Tuesday, December 11, 2012

A Retrospective on Humanities

            Through this past semester, my writing has definitely shown improvement. Through constructive criticism and conferences, I was able to focus more on the process of writing instead of only focusing on the beginning and end. I am guilty of being the occasional procrastinator but this class made me be more aware of the benefits of starting a paper early! As a Communications major I had some experience writing about the media, but the Humanities papers allowed me to focus on other interesting topics I never had a chance to write about before.
            My favorite papers assigned were ones regarding cinema. I’ve always had a passion for cinema and being able to analyze them was such an amazing experience. The arts are incredibly affected and guided by the audience. For example, the film Fatal Attraction changed the entire ending of the film just to give them the ending they wanted. Because of this course, I’ve decided to take two cinema classes next semester!
            In terms of research, I’ve learned to take full advantage of the USC Library database. No matter what the paper topic, I was always able to find countless studies and articles to help with my paper at the time. Additionally, the blog assignments allowed me to have a place to look back on interesting articles and YouTube clips that I had found during the research process.
            After participating in a blog for the end of the semester, I found that I enjoyed it more than I expected. For example, getting comments from classmates was a great way to gain perspective on my ideas. I definitely want to start another blog, perhaps focusing more on my last semester at USC and making sure I take full advantage of my final time here. 

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