Thursday, November 8, 2012

What I learned from my presentation

              For my presentation, I gave a brief history of why I chose psychology and communication, showed a video on the Social Media Revolution, a summary of a Communication and Psychology study and ended with a brief conclusion and some issues I’ve had so far with research.
            After completing my presentation, I was able to become aware of even more effects that technology has created to a variety of diverse people and demographics. I learned that there are social media sites, specifically for adolescents called Club Penguin and Kidz Bop. These sites are designed for younger generations and appear to have more monitoring than Facebook. By recognizing this, I hope to find a study that has monitored the psychological effects this has had on adolescents.
            In addition, classmates brought up the importance that self-esteem has had on women in particular. Women are more critical of themselves and viewing a variety of beautiful people online can affect their personal self-esteem. My classmates gave examples of some psychological studies they’ve read in class that validated this issue as well. Because of this, I may explore the role that gender plays in these social media sites, such as Facebook. Interestingly enough, Facebook started as a “Hot or Not” website.
            My viral video, Social Media Revolution 2011, brought up important issues on adolescents and relationships that my classmates recognized. Classmates suggested that I should further explore youth using other forms of technology, such as iPads.
            With so many options to explore in terms of technology and society, I have yet to decide what to further research. Currently, I’m leaning towards exploring the gender effects of these social media types, and by splitting this through age demographics. I really appreciate the feedback from my classmates because it allowed me to determine even more ideas to research and explore.

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