Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Facebook Usage: Is Age A Factor?

There is no denying the profound effect technology has had on our society. Social media has significantly increased throughout the years in particular. Sites, such as Facebook, allow for people all around the world to constantly be in contact. Although there are many benefits to technology, social media does add a whole new dimension to communication. In addition, there has been speculation of the psychological effect social media has on younger generations.
         For my first literature review, I found a study that was determining the relationship between Facebook usage and age. In particular, if social anxiety, self-esteem and extraversion increased or decreased based on age. The two age groups tests were 18-24 years old and over 24 and older. The test was done through a questionnaire on Survey Monkey. One of the results from the survey showed that levels of self-esteem were affected by the amount of time spent on Facebook on average, along with the number of Facebook friends someone had. Furthermore, it is no surprise that the younger age group spends more time on Facebook compared to the 24 and older group. In earlier studies, such as one done in 1999, it was concluded that there were beneficial effects of decreased loneliness of Internet use for adults living in retirement homes (White 1999).
         Although I was able to learn a lot from this study, I want to see if I can find more research on bullying from Facebook. There have been numerous PSA’s recently about the prevention of this kind of behavior. I’ve added a video below as an example!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Final Project: Initial Ideas

After receiving our question for the next essay, it was initially difficult for me to think of two interdisciplinary fields to compare a topic on. As a Communications major, I have always had an interest in media studies. Throughout numerous communication classes, I have read and analyzed numerous media studies on various topics from social media to the influence on technology. I’ve always had an interest in the progression of technology and how much it has influenced society. Typically consumers mention the positive aspects of social media sites, such as Facebook but not the negative. After delving into the paper topic further, I decided I want my interdisciplinary field to be psychology and social media studies. Psychology and social media studies have a lot more in common than one would initially believe. The first issues that came to my mind was the influence that social has had on adolescent bullying.
            The topic of bullying is incredibly prevalent in society, however I haven’t read any specific studies on the issue. I’m curious if the media makes the issues seem worse than they really are in terms of psychological effects. By researching a variety of studies, I hope to be able to conclude the significance of this important issue.
            I’m not fully committed to this topic but as of now I think it would possess a new perspective on the power of social media on adolescents. 

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Fatal Attraction

Author & Audience Relationship: Fatal Attraction

             For our second writing assignment, we have been asked to pick an example of a field that portrays the power struggle between the author and audience. I have decided on the 1987 film Fatal Attraction, which dealt with a change of ending in order to please the audience. The plot of Fatal Attraction begins with a married man named Dan Gallagher, played by Michael Douglas, who is having an affair with a woman while his family is away for the weekend. This weekend affair turns into a downward spiral of psychotic stalking and blackmail from Alex Forrest, played by Glenn Close. The ending of the film was originally supposed to be a suicide, but test audiences argued that they wanted something more, so it was inevitably changed. In order to change the ending, a three-week reshoot occurred, even though some of the actors initially refused. The alternate ending results in Alex being shot by Dan’s wife Beth.
            I chose Fatal Attraction not only because it is a brilliant film but it also is a perfect example of the struggle between the audience and author relationship. After doing further research, I was also intrigued by Glenn Close’s personal feelings on the changed ending. She even brought in psychiatrists to help push her opinion that the original ending was far more realistic. Also, numerous feminists disagreed on the idea of a strong business woman becoming psychotic. Due to all the various opinions on the audience and author relationship from the film Fatal Attraction, I felt this was the ideal motion picture to choose for the writing assignment.